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Volume 26:2 (1999)

Publication Date: May 2000

The next meeting of the IOTS is scheduled for Thursday and Friday, 2-3 August 2001, in Basel, Switzerland. It will be held in conjuction with the XVIIth Congress of the IOSOT in Basel during 5-10 August 2001. As with our past Meetings, registration and accommodations will be arranged through the IOSOT, which will be issuing announcements in due time. Note that these dates are particularly suited for those colleagues who plan to attend the 13th World Congress of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, which is scheduled for 12-17 August 2001.

We are pleased to announce a first call for short papers in the following categories:

1. Language, Dating and Inter-relationships among the targumim; translational theory and the targumim.

2. Exegesis: Relationships with other rabbinic and contemporary literature (halakhic, aggadic, patristic, historical etc.).

3. Theology, Eschatology and Sitz im Leben.

Papers should be of twenty-minutes length, allowing ten additional minutes for discussion. The deadline for paper proposals is 15 December 2000, and 15 March 2001 for the submission of written abstracts. Please repond to: Prof. Michael L. Klein, Hebrew Union College, 13 King David Street, Jerusalem, Israel. tel +972-2-620-3333. fax +972-2-625-1478. e-mail: mlkhuc@vms.huji.ac.il

The website of the Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon now has a sample of a searchable database for Jewish Palestinian Aramaic. It is intended as a proto-type demonstration of how useful the lexicon will be. It can be found at CAL's URL: http://cal1.cn.huc.edu/. (Note: That is: http:// 'see' 'aye' 'el' 'one' .cn.huc.edu/. The site can also be reached via the link on the Newsletter for Targumic and Cognate Studies' website.)

The Third Peshitta Symposium will be held in Leiden following the IOSOT Conference in Basel. For more information, check the announcement on their website: http://www.leidenuniv.nl/gg/na/firstann.htm

The Newsletter has received Genizah Fragments for April 2000. It can also be read on their website: http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/Taylor-Schechter

The IOTS sponsors an e-mail discussion list for the study of the targumim called Targum-L. Anyone wishing to subscribe should send their email address to "listmaster" Paul Flesher at: PFlesher@uwyo.edu.